I found this Huffington Post article from October2012 about the UK-based company Bodyform. They received this comment on their facebook page by Richard Niell:
"Hi , as a man I must ask why you have lied to us for all these years . As a child I watched your advertisements with interest as to how at this wonderful time of the month that the female gets to enjoy so many things ,I felt a little jealous. I mean bike riding , rollercoasters, dancing, parachuting, why couldn't I get to enjoy this time of joy and 'blue water' and wings !! Dam my penis!! Then I got a girlfriend, was so happy and couldn't wait for this joyous adventurous time of the month to happen .....you lied !! There was no joy , no extreme sports , no blue water spilling over wings and no rocking soundtrack oh no no no. Instead I had to fight against every male urge I had to resist screaming wooaaahhhhh bodddyyyyyyfooorrrmmm bodyformed for youuuuuuu as my lady changed from the loving , gentle, normal skin coloured lady to the little girl from the exorcist with added venom and extra 360 degree head spin. Thanks for setting me up for a fall bodyform , you crafty bugger"
After it went viral and got almost 84,000 likes, the company responded by video. I happen to think it is hysterical! What do you think?
Link if video doesn't appear (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK6n7LCS2fc)
Here are a few things from Wellness Mama to help deal with those awful hormones naturally.
28 Days To A Healthier Heart
Tips To Help Your Kids Stay Hydrated Playing Sports In The Heat
mayoclinic.com, medicinenet.com, and kidshealth.org.
Stay Hydrated Playing Sports With Diabetes
diabetes and heat exhaustion