Health & Fitness

As women, we have to deal with dreaded hormones.  I used to think I had only one good week out of the month, but with pre-menopause, that week no longer exists. It has always been a battle for men to understand how we feel.  A woman doesn't like for her negative reaction to something be blamed on "our monthly visitor."  Any man that makes the mistake of doing so probably only does it once in his life.  Yes, we cry for no reason, get mad for no reason, and eat the entire refrigerator for no reason.  "No Reason" should introduce itself as the terrible, dreadful hormones lurking in our bodies. 

I found this Huffington Post article  from October2012 about the UK-based company Bodyform.  They received this comment on their facebook page by Richard Niell:

"Hi , as a man I must ask why you have lied to us for all these years . As a child I watched your advertisements with interest as to how at this wonderful time of the month that the female gets to enjoy so many things ,I felt a little jealous. I mean bike riding , rollercoasters, dancing, parachuting, why couldn't I get to enjoy this time of joy and 'blue water' and wings !! Dam my penis!! Then I got a girlfriend, was so happy and couldn't wait for this joyous adventurous time of the month to happen lied !! There was no joy , no extreme sports , no blue water spilling over wings and no rocking soundtrack oh no no no. Instead I had to fight against every male urge I had to resist screaming wooaaahhhhh bodddyyyyyyfooorrrmmm bodyformed for youuuuuuu as my lady changed from the loving , gentle, normal skin coloured lady to the little girl from the exorcist with added venom and extra 360 degree head spin. Thanks for setting me up for a fall bodyform , you crafty bugger"

After it went viral and got almost 84,000 likes, the company responded by video.  I happen to think it is hysterical!  What do you think?

Link if video doesn't appear (

Here are a few things from Wellness Mama to help deal with those awful hormones naturally.

28 Days To A Healthier Heart

Tips To Help Your Kids Stay Hydrated Playing Sports In The Heat,, and

Stay Hydrated Playing Sports With Diabetes
diabetes and heat exhaustion