Friday, September 2, 2011

Little Angels

I talk about my kids and nieces and nephews all the time on my other blog.  They are so sweet, innocent, and pure.  All kids are.  When I saw my sister's babies come into this world I was amazed.  We all look at a baby and child and just see wholesomeness.  It is so hard to lose anyone we love, but when it is a child, I can't imagine the pain a parent feels and I hope and pray I never experience it.  When my grandmother passed away, my great grandmother (her mother) told me, "I am old, I have lost parents, siblings, friends, (she lost her husband three weeks after my grandmother) and even my husband.  But, you can't lose a child.  To outlive my child is just not natural."

     Even when you have seen your child live a full life it is just so hard.  But, when a child is taken away before they even have a chance to grow up it is so hard to understand.  We have lost two children in our community and school this week.  This is when a community that is family is wonderful.  The parents need all the comfort they can get.  The best comfort they can get is through God and any way we can help them keep that in their mind is the best we can do for them.  I found this poem and thought it was a little comfort for such a painful situation.

I put this on this blog too just in case it reaches out to some of you and brings someone comfort.

Little Angels

When God calls little children
to dwell with Him above.
We mortals sometimes question
the wisdom of His love.
for no heartache compares with
the death of one small child,
who does so much to make our world
seem wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires of calling
the aged to His fold.
So He picks a rosebud
before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them
and so He takes but few,
to make the land of Heaven
more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult
still somehow we must try.
The saddest word mankind know
will always be "Goodbye".
So when a child departs
we who are left behind,
must realize God loves children,
Angels are hard to find.
~Author Unknown

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